Kevin Fall's Page
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3871 Piedmont Ave. #8
Oakland, CA 94611
ACM and IEEE Fellow

Kevin Fall, PhD. served as the founding CEO of Nefeli Networks, a VC-funded
company working on management and orchestration of NFV.
Prior to that, he was the Deputy Director and Chief Technology Officer of the
Software Engineering Institute at
Carnegie Mellon University.
He is also author of
TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1 Second Edition.
His LinkedIn profile is
In 2013 the DTN paper (see below) received the SIGCOMM Test of Time Paper Award.
Prior to SEI, he was a Principal Engineer with Qualcomm, and before that
he was a Principal Engineer (research) at
Intel Corporation
in the city of Berkeley, CA., which
closed down in 2011.
In 1997, he was
co-founder of Netboost Corporation, which developed hardware
and software for arbitrary processing of network packets
(ultimately used for building intrusion detection systems and
other devices). Netboost was acquired by Intel in 1999.
Ongoing projects and memberships:
Past projects and memberships:
Conference/Workshop/Journal Committees:
Re-Arch 2010, Nov, 2010, PC
ANCS, Oct, 2010, PC
ExtremeCom, Sep, 2010, PC
Usenix ATC, June, 2010, PC
ACM Re-Arch08 -- Re-Architecting the Internet, Dec, 2008, PC
ACM/IEEE WUWNET 2008, Sep, 2008, PC
IEEE JSAC (special DTN issue), Vol 6, No 5, Jun, 2008, Co-editor
IEEE/ACM Intl Conf on Information and Communication Technologies and Development 2007, Dec, 2007, PC
IEEE/ACM ANCS 2007, Dec, 2007, PC
ACM Co-Next 2007, Dec, 2007, PC
WUWNET 2007, Sep, 2007, PC
CHANTS 2007, Sep, 2007, PC
SIGCOMM 2007, Aug, 2007, PC
Mobicom 2006, Sep, 2006, demo co-chair
IEEE/ACM Intl Conf on Information and Communication Technologies and Development 2006, Dec, 2006, PC
WUWNet 2006, Sep, 2006, TPC co-chair
Workshop on
Challenged Networks (CHANTS-06), at SIGCOMM 2006, Sep, 2006, PC
Infocom 2006 Apr 23-29,
2006, Barcelona, Spain, PC
Workshop on
Delay Tolerant Tetworking and related topics (WDTN-05), at SIGCOMM 2005, Aug, 2005, TPC co-chair
W-WIND: Workshop on
Experimental Approaches to Wireless Network Design and Analysis, at SIGCOMM 2005, Aug, 2005, PC
Infocom 2005 Mar 13-17,
2005, Miami, Florida, TPC
Although not teaching currently, in 2002 he taught EE122 (the Berkeley
undergraduate Communications Networks class) with Professor Jean Walrand.
He also taught this class
in 1999.
Way back in Spring '96 he taught the graduate computer networking class, CS268, with Dr. Mike Luby, who was the leader
of the Qualcomm group in Berkeley.
Since 1993 he has also taught classes on introductory computer networking for the UCSD,
UCB, and UCSC Extension. (This was
discontinued about 2001).
Before all of the above, he was a posdoc at MIT and UCSD (simultaneously) in 1995, and a
consultant to SDSC and CCR-L.
Employment and Education
Founding CEO for Nefeli Networks, 8/2016 to 7/2018.
Deputy Director (for research) and CTO of SEI, 1/2013 to 8/2016.
Principal Engineer at Qualcomm Corporation until
late 2012.
Principal Engineer at Intel Labs, Berkeley (formerly called Intel Research Berkeley and Future Technologies Research Berkeley).
He started as the first full-time staff member there back in 2001.
Kevin received a BA in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 1988. While an undergraduate
at Berkeley, he worked on several projects including VorTeX (some dynamic extensions to TeX
with Prof. Michael
Harrison), the DASH operating system (an early objected-oriented operating system for
symmetric multiprocessors with
David P. Anderson [now running the BOINC and
Seti@Home projects]), and later for the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) (the
developers of Berkeley UNIX, with Kirk
McKusick and Mike Karels.
After graduating from Berkeley, he went to Project Athena (MIT) during the summer of 1989
before beginning graduate school at UCSD. He completed an MS degree in computer science at
UCSD in 1991, followed by the PhD in 1994. His dissertation was in the general area of operating systems, with a focus on
designing I/O subsystems for I/O intensive applications. His advisor was Professor Joseph
After graduate school, Kevin was a postdoctoral scholar for both UCSD (Joe Pasquale, now
at UCSD) and MIT (David Tennenhouse, now at
VMWARE). After that, he returned to Berkeley to work at the Network Research Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. A
couple of years later he helped to start NetBoost Corp, and became and adjunct professor in the Computer Science
Department at UC Berkeley. Eventually, he became a full-time employee of Intel corporation upon its acquisition of
NetBoost in late 1999.
- Books
- Papers (2005 and later)
- P. Maniatis et al,
Do You Know Where Your Data Are? Secure Data Capsules for Deployable Data Protection.,
HotOS 2011
- A. Singla et al,
Scalable Routing on Flat Names,
Co-Next 2010
- M. Maneshet al,
Evaluating the Suitability of Server Network Cards for Software Routers,
ACM SIGCOMM Presto Workshop, Nov 2010
- K. Fall et al,
A Disruption-Tolerant Architecture for Secure and Efficient Disaster Response communications,
Proc. ISCRAM, May 2010
- K. Fall et al,
Routing Tables: Is Smaller Really Much Better?,
Hotnets 2009
- M. Dobrescu et al,
RouteBricks: Exploiting Parallelism to Scale Software Routers ",
SOSP 2009, (best paper award)
- M. Demmer, K. Fall, "
The Design and Implementation of a Session Layer for Delay Tolerant Networks
," Elsevier Computer Communications, Feb 2009
- K. Argyraki et al, "
Can Software Routers Scale?
," ACM SIGCOMM Presto Workshop, Aug 2008
- K. Fall, S. Farrell, "
DTN: An Architectural Retrospective
," IEEE JSAC issue on DTN, V26N5, Jun 2008
- M. Demmer, K. Fall "
DTLSR: Delay Tolerant Routing for Developing Regions
," Proc. SIGCOMM NSDR Workshop, Sep 2007
- D. Meyer, L. Zhang, K. Fall (eds) "
Report from the IAB Workshop on Routing and Addressing
," Internet RFC 4984, Sep 2007
- V. Cerf et. al. "
Delay Tolerant Networking Architecture
," Internet RFC 4838, Apr 2007
- D. Krioukov, K. Fall, kc Claffy, A. Brady, "
On Compact Routing for the Internet
," ACM Computer Communications Review, July 2007
- M. Seligman, K. Fall, P. Mundur ",
Alternative Custodians for Congestion Control in Delay Tolerant Networks
," ACM SIGCOMM CHANTS Workshop, Sep 2006
- P. Mahadevan, D. Krioukov, K. Fall, A. Vahdat "
Systematic Topology Analysis and Generation Using Degree Correlations
," ACM SIGCOMM, Sep 2006
- J. Curcio, P. McGillivary, K. Fall, A. Maffei, K. Schwehr, R. Twiggs, C. Kitts, P. Ballou "
Self-Positioning Smart Buoys-- the 'Un-Buoy' Solution: Logistic Considerations using Autonomous Surface Craft Technology and Improved Communications Infrastructure
," MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Sep 2006
- A. Maffei, K. Fall, D. Chayes, "
Ocean Instrument Internet: Using Disruption Tolerant Networking to Join Heterogeneous Oceanographic Instrumentation into a Single Network [abstract]
," AGU Ocean Sciences Conference, Feb 2006
- D. Chayes, S. Roberts, V. Schmidt, E. Gold, R. Arko, A. Johnson, K. Fall, D. Hassilev, "
Real-Time Data System and Displays on the USCGC Healy [abstract]
," AGU Ocean Sciences Conference, Feb 2006
- S. Jain, M. Demmer, R. Patra, K. Fall, "
Using redundancy to cope with failures in a Delay Tolerant Network
," ACM SIGCOMM, Aug/Sep 2005
- Y. Wang, S. Jain, M. Martonosi, K. Fall, "
Erasure Coding Based Routing for Opportunistic Networks
," ACM SIGCOMM WDTN Workshop, Aug/Sep 2005
- E. Brewer, M. Demmer, B. Du, M. Ho, M. Kam, S. Nedevschi, J. Pal, R. Patra, S. Surana, K. Fall,"
The Case for Technology in Developing Regions
," IEEE Computer, June 2005
- K. Fall, S. Mccanne,"
You Don't Know Jack about
Network Performance
," ACM Queue Magazine, May 2005
- Papers (2000-2004)
- K. Fall, "
Messaging in
Difficult Environments
," Intel Research Berkeley, IRB-TR-04-019, Dec. 27, 2004, presented
to the IETF/IAB Workshop on Messaging, Oct 2004
- M. Demmer, E. Brewer, K. Fall, S. Jain, M. Ho, R. Patra, "
Delay Tolerant Networking
," IRB-TR-04-020, Dec. 28, 2004
- Melissa Ho and Kevin Fall. "
Poster: Delay Tolerant
Networking for Sensor Networks.
" In the First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON 2004) (invited). October 2004 [mini-paper (3 pages)]
- S. Jain, K. Fall, R. Patra, "
Routing in a Delay Tolerant Network
", SIGCOMM, Aug/Sep 2004
D. Krioukov, K. Fall, X. Yang, "Compact Routing on Internet-Like Graphs'',
Proc. INFOCOM 2004, Mar. 2004
K. Fall, "A Delay Tolerant
Networking Architecture for Challenged Internets'',
Proc. SIGCOMM 2003, Aug. 2003 Winner of SIGCOMM 2013 Test of Time Paper Award
- K. Fall, W. Hong, S. Madden, "Custody Transfer for
Reliable Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks", IRB-TR-03-030, July
S. Burleigh, K. Fall, V. Cerf, R. Durst, K. Scott, H. Weiss, L. Torgerson,
A. Hooke, "Delay-Tolernat Networking: An Approach to Interplanetary
IEEE Communications Magazine, June 2003
E. Blanton, M. Allman, K. Fall, L. Wang, "A Conservative Selective Acknowledgment (SACK)-based Loss
Recovery Algorithm for TCP'',
Internet RFC 3517, Apr 2003
L. Breslau, D. Estrin, K. Fall, S. Floyd, J. Heidemann, A. Helmy, P. Huang,
S. McCanne, K. Varadhan, Y. Xu, H. Yu,
Advances in Network Simulation (the USC TR Version of the paper)
, IEEE Computer 33(5), May 2000
- Papers (prior to 2000)
Fall, K., ``Network Emulation in the Vint/NS Simulator'',
, Proceedings IEEE ISCC99, Jul 1999
Floyd, S., and Fall, K., Promoting
the Use of End-to-End Congestion Control
, Transactions on Networking, Aug 99 (Winner of the IEEE Comm Society William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award for 1999)
S. Floyd, K. Fall, K. Tieu,
Estimating Arrival Rates from the RED Packet Drop History
, Unpublished, Apr 1998
Fall, K., and Floyd, S., Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK TCP
, Computer Communications Review, 26(3), July 1996
Pasquale, J. et al., High-Performance I/O and Networking Software in Sequoia
2000, Digital Technical Journal, 7(3), Dec 1995 (click here for more
Fall, K., A Peer-to-Peer I/O System in
Support of I/O Intensive Workloads
, UCSD PhD Thesis, Dec 1994 (compressed Postscript)
(PDF). You can also get a copy of the sources used in the related
papers (gzip'd tar file).
Fall, K., and McCanne, S., and Pasquale, J., Workstation Video Playback Performance with Competitive
Process Load, NOSSDAV 1995 Short Paper
Chinoy, B., and Fall, K.,
TCP/IP and HIPPI Performance in the CASA Gigabit Testbed
Proc Usenix High-Speed Networking, 1994
Fall, K., and Pasquale, J.,
Improving Continuous-Media Playback Performance with In-Kernel Data
, IEEE Intl Conf on Multimedia Comput Sys, 1994
Fall, K., and Pasquale, J.,
Exploiting In-Kernel Data Paths to Improve I/O Throughput and CPU
, Proc. Usenix Winter 1993
Mercurio, P., et. al.,
The Distributed Laboratory: An Interactive Visualization Environment for
Electron Microscopy and 3D Imaging
, Communications of the ACM, 35(6), June 1992
K. McKusick, et. al., Beyond
, Proc European Unix Users Group, Feb. 1989
Slides from Talks
Networked Robot Swarms: Ready or Not?
Keynote Talk at PerCom 2019, 12-MAR-2019, [PDF]
Adapting to Change: Routing in a future Internet
Keynote Talk at MAKI Scientific Workshop, 8-MAR-2019, [PDF]
Networking the Many, Tiny and Far Away
Keynote Talk at IEEE ICCCN 2018, 30-JUL-2018, [PDF]
Comparing Information Centric and Delay Tolerant Networking
Keynote Talk at IEEE LCN 2012, 23-OCT-2012, [PDF]
Observations regarding a new (Internet) architecture
Talk at MSR Cambridge, 18-SEP-2006, [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking in Maritime Networks
Invited/Keynote talk at SIGCOMM CHANTS Workshop, 15-SEP-2006, [PDF]
Networking in a Heterogeneous, Intermittent World
Invited/Keynote talk at IEEE WOWMOM 2006, 28-JUN-2006, [PDF]
Delay Tolerant Networking: Architecture and Applications
Invited Talk at UC Riverside, 23-NOV-2004, [PDF]
Delay Tolerant Networking: Architecture and Applications
Invited Talk at Princeton, 9-NOV-2004,
On the Development of Research Practice (except from talk)
Invited Talk at NPS Monterey, 27-OCT-2004, [PDF]
Delay Tolerant Networking: Issues and Recent Results
Invited Talk at IEEE CCW,
19-OCT-2004, [PDF]
Routing in a Delay Tolerant Network slides presented at ICIR/ICSI, 12-MAY-2004,
Delay-Tolerant Networking for Challenged Internets slides presented at Sprint/ATL, 20-APR-2004, [PDF]
Compact Routing on Internet-Like Graphs slides presented at INFOCOM 2004,
9-MAR-2004, [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking: Architecture and Applications slides presented at
the Stanford Networking
Seminar, 4-DEC-03 [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking for Developing Regions slides presented to NSF
during their site visit of the ICT4B/TIER project 2-DEC-03 [PDF] (similar/reduced set of slides as above talk)
A Delay-Tolerant Network Architecture for Challenged Internets slides from my
presentation at SIGCOMM 2003, April 26 2003 [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking for Challenged Internets [somewhat updated] slides
from my presentation to Mike Luby's Networking class at UC Berkeley, April 25 2003 [PDF]
Delay Tolerant Networking Research Group - IETf Update slides from my
presentation to IETF, Mar 2003 [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking for Challenged Internets slides from my presentation
to ICIR (formerly ACIRI), Jun 2002 [PDF]
Delay-Tolerant Networking for Extreme Environments slides from my presentation
to UCSD, Nov 2001 [PDF]
Thoughts on the Current IPN Architecture Proposal slides from my presentation
to JPL, Oct 2001 [PDF]
Promoting End-to-End Congestion Control in the Internet slides from my
presentation to the UC Berkeley Multimedia Seminar, Apr 1998
[PowerPoint], [PDF]
Simulating the Internet: challenges and
methods slides from my presentation to the IX Computer Science Symposium, Mayab
University, Yucatan, Mexico, Apr 1998 [PowerPoint]
The New NS-2 Emulation Facility, slides from my presentation to the IETF TCP-IMPL
Working Group, Apr 1998 [PowerPoint], [PDF],
NS2 (and possible uses for mobile routing
simulation), slides from my presentation to the IETF MANET Working Group, Dec
1997 [PowerPoint]
Dynamic Load Adaptation in Internet Applications, slides from my DIMACS
presentation, Nov 1996 [html]
Ships I have been on
Previous Affiliations
Serial Number; Filing Date. |
Title |
Issue Number and Date (or Publication Number and
Date) |
09/097,858; 1998-06-15. |
Packet Processing System Including a Policy Engine Having
a Classification Unit |
6,157,955; 2000-12-05. |
09/282,790; 1999-03-31. |
Platform Permitting Execution of Multiple Network
Infrastructure Applications |
6,401,117; 2002-06-04. |
09/283,662; 1999-04-01. |
Programmable System for Processing a Partitioned Network
Infrastructure |
6,421,730; 2002-07-16. |
PCT/US99/13271; 1999-06-10. |
Network Application Engine |
WO 99/66680; 1999-12-23. |
09/892,218; 2001-06-25. |
Integrated Network Interface Card and Global Positioning
System Receiver |
6,593,878; 2003-07-15. |
10/059,770; 2002-01-28. |
Cumulative Status of Arithmetic Operations |
2004-03-02. |
10/084,815; 2002-02-27. |
Programmable System for Processing a Partitioned Network
Infrastructure |
2005-02-22. |
10/100,746; 2002-03-18. |
Multiple Consumer-Multiple Producer Rings |
6,625,689; 2003-09-23. |
10/748,997; 2003-12-29. |
Reassembly of a transmission control protocol (TCP) data stream from payloads of TCP segments of a bidirectional TCP connection |
7,171,486; 2007-01-30. |
10/748,311; 2003-12-29. |
Compiler for Computer Programming Language Including Instruction Statement for Handling Network Packets |
7,191,433; 2007-03-15. |
Some other pages of mine (a bit dated):
Other people on the web that share my name:
Some other pages of possible interest :
Older projects:
Re-structured using XML 4 Aug 2004. Migrated to new hosting site 4 Jan 2012.
Updated 11-Jul-2007, 3-Feb-2008, 7-Dec-2008, 3-Jul-2009, 27-Sep-2010, 27-Feb-2011, 5-Jan-2012, 9-Oct-2013.